Known Issues

On this page I maintain a list of known issues in the Garmin firmware. If you are effected by one of the issues please follow the provided link to the Garmin bug report and upvote the ticket to increase the priority of the bugfix for Garmin.

On Connect IQ watch faces the setting Wrist Gesture = Off is ignored when setting Always On Display = On

Drawing text with transparent background into palletized bitmaps no longer works in recent firmware updates

Complications.exitTo with COMPLICATION_TYPE_DATE does not launch the calendar widget on Venu2 devices

Receiving a (phone-)notification puts the watch face in a permanent low power mode with an update interval of 1 second–notification-puts-the-watch-face-in-a-permanent-low-power-mode-with-an-update-interval-of-1-second

Always On Display (AOD) on Fenix7 watches stops working after a few hours – The analog and digital seconds are only shown on gesture—onpartialupdate-stops-working-after-2-or-3-days-always-on-seconds-stop-working

The body battery and stress history graphs do not show valid information

The keyboard of the Connect IQ app (for Android) is missing a ‘-‘ (minus) key for the setting type numeric for number properties—minus-key-for-the-setting-type-numeric-for-number-properties

Make the magnetometer/compass data available to watch faces without starting an activity

Battery in days is not available on the FR255 and FR955